How Gamification Impacts User Engagement?

How Gamification Impacts User Engagement?
Author: Sharmila S
February 6, 2023
2 min read

Many surveys and researches show that highly engaged customers account for higher rates of profitability, sales, and relationship growth. As a business owner, it's best to involve your customers as much as possible if you want to achieve a higher ROI for them.

App Gamification can be used to increase user attention and increase user engagement, attract more users, and improve retention.

Here's why this works:


Behavioural reinforcement is one of the most important reasons for the success of gamification. Using games and game-like elements in marketing can reward user behaviour. This is similar to levelling-up in a game or earning points for completing game goals. After all, rewards boost the users which is a powerful way to help create and enjoy activities.

In fact, compelling rewards at the end of compelling experiences evoke positive brand associations and stronger engagement metrics, which can generate strong customer loyalty through reward challenges and competition.


Gamification marketing can also improve user retention by making users feel in control. Creating gamified campaigns with strong game design encourages exploration and lets users decide how to proceed. If you choose how you play and interact, you are more likely to enjoy the overall experience.


Gamification takes into account the fact that humans are competitive by nature. They compete with themselves and others. They love to compete, so the game satisfies that desire.

Adding a competitive edge to your game means that once users start playing the game, they are more likely to be hired out of a desire to win, or at least outperform their friends and family who play the game.

You can foster competition within yourself by setting a goal or the highest score your audience wants to beat. Personal best scores are an example of game dynamics, often used in fitness apps and marketing contests to create a community within games, stimulate social media shares, and ultimately increase brand awareness.

Gamification has become a must for businesses, brands, and consumers. Reward Rally can help businesses enhance the app users’ experience through app gamification.