AIDA Model In Gamification

AIDA Model In Gamification
Author: Vidhya V
March 1, 2023
2 min read

What is AIDA in marketing?

“AIDA” is one of the most useful marketing techniques, that stands to be successful in the market even now. A in AIDA stands for attention, I for interest, D for desire, and A for action.

The module suggests that any marketing activity should get user attention at first, then that attention should be turned into their interest, that interest should cultivate a desire in their mind and finally, that desire will push the user to act.

AIDA is and will always be a successful “PUSH MARKETING STRATEGY”. Thus, when we put those concepts in “Gamification”, we could actually understand how its framework is built.

How Gamification is related to AIDA?

When we keenly note, gamification also follows the same strategy. It creates attention by awarding a point or value for user action, then we are interested to attain high value in order to attain some privilege and then that creates a desire to attain a value even higher to compete with the fellow members in leader board and thus user starts to act accordingly.

How Reward Rally is unique from the rest?

Though the concept of “gamification” is a frequently used technique in marketing our products, Reward rally’s framework stands to be unique and refreshing. It follows a “NO CODE or LOW CODE” mechanism and thus helps many organizations gamify their products in just a few hours. No code or Low code mechanism is that the coding work or the developer's work in gamifying the product is minimized.

Project & application details, game actions, privileges, and user details are all configured in the admin console and the only work that we need to do is just copy and paste the respective game action’s code in the required areas and can just gamify their product. In this way, it minimizes the cost, effort, and time consumed in gamifying each product.